Latest Newsletter

November 3 2014:  Dear Parents & Guardians: Taylor Elementary:

*  A quick thank you to Ms. Cooper and the Leadership students for organizing the Halloween Parade and coloring contest for Taylor Elementary!

*  PAC:  Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 05th at 4:00 pm in the staffroom.

*  Remembrance Day:  Today Mr. Holms a war veteran spoke to most of our students about the importance of Remembrance Day.  He also has generously provided Remembrance Day bracelets for every student in our school.  (Thank You)  Next Monday we will have a Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:45 am.  This week we will also have the opportunity to receive a poppy for a coin donation.  As a reminder school will not be in session on Tuesday November 11th.

*  Our new School Planning Council (SPC) will be working on our School Improvement Plan for this year.  We will be getting it ready to submit to our School Board in the next few weeks:  Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Bird and Mr. McCracken

*  Volleyball:  We have two teams this year, and the tournaments are on Nov 19th for Girls and Nov 20th for Boys, both at NPSS 3:00 pm start.

*  Fundraising: Our Parent Advisory Committee has sponsored the Dielman Fundraiser this year. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser and please ensure all forms are handed in as we are placing the order Nov 4th.

*  Operation Christmas Child (also known as the Christmas Shoe Box Program):  Week of Nov 17th to Nov 21st. We will again support this program and more information is to follow.

* Again, a quick note about Campbell Soup Labels, yes please continue to bring them into the school if you can!  (Thanks)  We are also collecting Schneider lunchables packages as well.  We need the whole package.

*  Lost and Found:  Please take time to check our “Lost and Found” the bin is in the hallway by the office.

Important Dates:

Visit form Gavin Holms (War Veteran)                               Nov 3rd  am only

Parent Advisory Council Mtg. 4:00 pm                               Nov 05th  – 4:00pm

Hot Lunch Day (Subway Day)                                               Nov 06th 12:00

Remembrance Assembly (Student Leadership)                 Nov 10 – 10:45 am

Remembrance Day                                                                   Nov 11 – School not in session.

Hot Lunch Day (Pizza Day)                                                    Nov 13th 12:00

Staff Meeting                                                                              Nov 18th: 3:00 pm (computer lab)

Mountain West Picture Retakes                                             Nov 20th  (library 1:00 pm)

Girl’s Elementary Volleyball Tourney NPSS 3:00 pm       Nov 19th

Boy’s Elementary Volleyball Tourney NPSS 3:00 pm        Nov 20th

Hot Lunch Day  (Quizno’s & Booster Juice)                          Nov 20th 12:00

Book Fair in the Library                                                             Week of Nov 24th

Early Dismissal Day                                                                    Nov 26th at 1:45 pm

Hot Lunch Day ( Hot Dog Day)                                                Nov 27th

Early Dismissal Day                                                                    Nov 27th  at 1:45 pm

Pro D (Interviews all Day)                                                         Nov 29th  School not in session.


Doug McCracken
