• Summer Hours

    Welcome Back!
    We are getting ready for a new school year!
    Here are our hours to reach us before school begins:
    Monday, August 28 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
    Tuesday, August 29 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

  • Peace Island Park

    We have decided to stay at the school for our AMAZING RACE competition. At about 11am, we will make a decision about bussing to Peace Island Park. This could be for lunch and afternoon activities, just afternoon activities or not at all.

  • Missoula!

    What a great performance of Rumplestilskin by the Missoula Theatre group and 42 Taylor students who auditioned and learned their parts in less than 5 days! They put on a funny and dramatic showing of an old tale and wowed both students and the public in two separate performances Friday,

  • Taylor Students Enjoy the Ballet!

    Baldonnel School welcomed Taylor students and staff to watch the Zarevka Ballet performance of the Jabberwocky. Students were mesmerized by a brilliant display of dance, story telling, costume design, and puppetry.

  • Ski Trip Tomorrow March 14

    Final Ski Trip Reminders
    We are all looking forward to the ski trip on Tuesday, March 14. Here are a few final reminders.
    • Students must be at the school at 7:30 a.m. to load the buses.

  • Senior SD#60 Band Visits Taylor

    Students listened and learned about instruments and the opportunity to become a part of SD#60’s band program. Grade 5 students met with Mrs. Gunn to discuss next year’s opportunities.